The Cat in the Hat (Beginner Books(R))

Dr. Seuss

Buch, Gebundene Ausgabe
Ausgabe vom 12. März 1957
Verkaufsrang: 9818 (je kleiner desto beliebter)
EAN/ISBN: 9780717260591
ASIN: 039480001X (Amazon-Bestellnummer)
The Cat in the Hat (Beginner Books(R)) - Dr. Seuss
He may be an old standby, but he never lets us down. When in doubt, turn to the story of the cat that transformed a dull, rainy afternoon into a magical and just-messy-enough adventure. There's another (hidden) adventure, too: this book really will help children learn to read. With his simple and often single vowel vocabulary, the good Doctor knew what he was doing: hear it, learn it, read it-laughing all the way. The Cat in the Hat is a must for any child's library. -Susan Harrison

He may be an old standby, but he never lets us down. When in doubt, turn to the story of the cat that transformed a dull, rainy afternoon into a magical and just-messy-enough adventure. There's another, hidden adventure, too: this book really will help children learn to read. With his simple and often single-vowel vocabulary, the good Doctor knew what he was doing: hear it, learn it, read it-laughing all the way. The Cat in The Hat is a must for any child's library.

He may be an old standby, but he never lets us down. When in doubt, turn to the story of the cat that transformed a dull, rainy afternoon into a magical and just-messy-enough adventure. There's another, hidden adventure, too: this book really will help children learn to read. With his simple and often single-vowel vocabulary, the good Doctor knew what he was doing: hear it, learn it, read it-laughing all the way. The Cat in the Hat is a must for any child's library.