Anatomy Drawing School: Human, Animal, Comparative Anatomy

Andras Szunyoghy

Buch, Hardcover
Ausgabe vom Febr. 2008
Verkaufsrang: 276055 (je kleiner desto beliebter)
ASIN: 084160164X (Amazon-Bestellnummer)
Anatomy Drawing School: Human, Animal, Comparative Anatomy - Andras Szunyoghy
With more than 1,200 detailed illustrations by the Hungarian master artist Andras Szunyoghy, Anatomy Drawing School offers an in-depth view into the anatomy of human beings and selected mammals. For the student, the volume's remarkably precise depiction of the skeleton and muscles will open the door to the true-to-life reproduction of the various parts of the body and their movements - a critical step on the road to artistic mastery.