The Rough Guide to Jamaica

Polly Thomas

Buch, Taschenbuch
Ausgabe vom 2. Aug. 2010
Verkaufsrang: 67324 (je kleiner desto beliebter)
EAN/ISBN: 9781848365131
ASIN: 1848365136 (Amazon-Bestellnummer)
The Rough Guide to Jamaica - Polly Thomas
Jamaica is a small but complex island. Famous for her beaches and music, there is an abundance of stretches of white sand bedecked by palm trees and lapped by turquoise waters. Reggae, Jamaica's other celebrated quality, is alive and happening. It is necessary to have a good guide to find your way to the Blue Mountains and Back River, check out the wildlife, and understand the island's culture-as well as to navigate your way through Kingston to the best reggae haunts, drinking holes, and Jamaican food stands. Jamaica: The Rough Guide does justice to all the major resorts and beaches, and to Jamaica's lesser-known charms.