Cambodia (Footprint Cambodia Handbook)

Aleta Moriaty

Buch, Taschenbuch
Ausgabe vom 31. März 2006
Verkaufsrang: 422460 (je kleiner desto beliebter)
ASIN: 1904777511 (Amazon-Bestellnummer)
Cambodia (Footprint Cambodia Handbook) - Aleta Moriaty
Cambodia is the Orient's most beguiling and unknown country; a place still scarred by recent horrors but also boasting one of the ancient world's greatest architectural achievements. Footprint Cambodia is essential for all free-spirited travellers who want to get the most out of this 'forgotten' land. Detailed colour maps and extensive transport information to help you plan your trip; Highlight maps to get the best from the country; Objective recommendations of where to stay and what to see; Where to find anything from a delicious French loaf to cheap Kramas; Unparalleled coverage of Cambodia's fascinating history and culture