Molecules that changed the World: A Brief History of the Art and Science of Synthesis and its Impact Society

K. C. Nicolaou

Buch, Gebunden
Ausgabe vom 12. Januar 2008
Verkaufsrang: 82498 (je kleiner desto beliebter)
ASIN: 3527309837 (Amazon-Bestellnummer)
Molecules that changed the World: A Brief History of the Art and Science of Synthesis and its Impact Society - K. C. Nicolaou
K. C. Nicolaou stellt in diesem wundervoll gestalteten Buch die wichtigsten Substanzen der Welt vor und zeigt auf eindrucksvolle Weise, welche Rolle Verbindungen wie Aspirin oder Terpineol in unserem Alltag bei Arzneimitteln, Duftstoffen oder Vitaminen spielen. Die komplett vierfarbige Gestaltung und das grosszügige Format machen dieses Buch zu einem Muss für jeden Chemiker, Naturwissenschaftler und an Naturwissenschaften Interessierten.
Here, the best-selling author and renowned researcher, K. C. Nicolaou, presents around 40 natural products that all have an enormous impact on our everyday life. Printed in full color throughout with a host of pictures, this book is written in the author's very enjoyable and distinct style, such that each chapter is full of interesting and entertaining information on the facts, stories and people behind the scenes. Molecules covered span the healthy and useful, as well as the much-needed and extremely toxic, including Aspirin, urea, camphor, morphine, strychnine, penicillin, vitamin B12, Taxol, Brevetoxin and quinine.
A veritable pleasure to read.