The Formation of Stars (Physics Textbook)

Steven W. Stahler, Fracesco Palla

Buch, Taschenbuch
Ausgabe vom 5. Januar 2005
Verkaufsrang: 156576 (je kleiner desto beliebter)
ASIN: 3527405593 (Amazon-Bestellnummer)
The Formation of Stars (Physics Textbook) - Steven W. Stahler, Fracesco Palla
The study of star formation is one of the most active areas of modern astrophysics. Observations of the Hubble Space Telescope and other space and earth-bound instruments, as well as advances in computing power, have increased knowledge of stars and how they are born from immense clouds of dust and gas. Covering both observational and theoretical advances, the book is suitable as both a textbook and a research tool. The material may be covered in a one-semester course at the graduate level, or in two semesters at the undergraduate level. Steven Stahler is a research astronomer at the University of California, Berkeley. He received his doctorate in physics at Berkeley in 1980. Following postdoctoral studies at Cornell University and the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, and a faculty position at MIT, he returned to the West Coast to pursue diverse aspects of star formation theory, from the structure of interstellar clouds to the evolution of young stars themselves. Francesco Palla is a senior astronomer at the INAF-Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, in Florence, Italy. His collaboration with Steven Stahler began at Cornell University, where he worked as an ESA fellow. His research interests include both observational and theoretical aspects of the interstellar medium and star formation.