The Demon and the Quantum: From the Pythagorean Mystics to Maxwell's Demon and Quantum Mystery

Marlan O. Scully

Buch, Gebunden
Ausgabe vom 5. Okt. 2007
Verkaufsrang: 156560 (je kleiner desto beliebter)
ASIN: 3527406883 (Amazon-Bestellnummer)
The Demon and the Quantum: From the Pythagorean Mystics to Maxwell's Demon and Quantum Mystery - Marlan O. Scully
This book explains the connection between Maxwell's Demon and the role of the observer and quantum eraser, showing that information science, thermodynamics and quantum physics are closely related. By focusing on entropy, information, and observation, the authors bring a unique perspective to this subject, providing an insight into the strange ways of the quantum that will fascinate scientists and lay readers alike.