Play Piano By Ear: An Easy Method for Playing Songs Without Reading Music (Book & CD)

Simon Schott

Buch, Taschenbuch
Ausgabe vom Okt. 2004
Verkaufsrang: 64442 (je kleiner desto beliebter)
ASIN: 3795755190 (Amazon-Bestellnummer)
Play Piano By Ear: An Easy Method for Playing Songs Without Reading Music (Book & CD) - Simon Schott
It is no secret that the majority of piano owners, in addition to playing classical music, would also like to play popular standards and pop songs, just like the piano player in a bar or cocktail lounge does, improvising and going from one tune to another. Here, finally, you have a new and simple method that will enable you to fulfill your secret wish to improvise at the piano, completely by ear. I have the feeling that one of these days, everyone who owns a piano, a keyboard instrument or a synthesizer will own this book.