Excel für Dummies

Greg Harvey

Buch, Taschenbuch
Ausgabe vom 1999
Verkaufsrang: 596719 (je kleiner desto beliebter)
EAN/ISBN: 9783826628184
ASIN: 3826628187 (Amazon-Bestellnummer)
Excel für Dummies - Greg Harvey
Aus der Amazon.de-Redaktion
You may not be a dummy, but that doesn't mean you were born knowing how to use spreadsheets. Excel 2000 for Windows for Dummies will bring you up to speed on Microsoft's premillennial package, even if you've never used anything like it before.
A great reference for the beginner and the pressed-for-time, this book is organized as a series of chapters that build from the basics of pointing and clicking and figuring out the different parts of the spreadsheet to more advanced topics like Web-based data entry and macros. Visual learners will find much to love as well-there are screen shots galore and plenty of icons to point you to the most salient items quickly.
Written in characteristic Dummies-style-laid-back and humorous-the text is as nonthreatening as can be; even the most diehard computer-phobes will find themselves chuckling as they (gulp) learn how to enter data. The techno-geeks down the hall might snicker at the bright yellow book on your desk, but you can snicker right back because you know you have better weekends. -Rob Lightner