Vikings on the Rhine: Recent Research on Early Medieval Relations between the Rhinelands and Scandinavia

Buch, Taschenbuch
Ausgabe vom 30. Sept. 2004
Verkaufsrang: 276918 (je kleiner desto beliebter)
ASIN: 3900538832 (Amazon-Bestellnummer)
Vikings on the Rhine: Recent Research on Early Medieval Relations between the Rhinelands and Scandinavia -
this book articles on many topics related to the relationship between the Vikings and the Rhineland: on ships and shipping as well as Charlemagne´s maritime defence, historical background information on the socio-economical situation of the Rhineland at the time, but also archeological data on the Viking hoards recently found in the Netherlands and the spectacular remains of a Viking attack on the inperial manor at Zutphen in Holland.