Brick Lane

Tannishtha Chatterjee, Satish Kaushik, Christopher Simpson, Lalita Ahmed

Ausgabe vom 10. März 2008
Verkaufsrang: 23594 (je kleiner desto beliebter)
EAN/ISBN: 5055201802262
ASIN: B000Z9ECSC (Amazon-Bestellnummer)
Brick Lane - Tannishtha Chatterjee, Satish Kaushik, Christopher Simpson, Lalita Ahmed
Vereinigte Königreich Edition, PAL/Region 2 DVD: TON: Englisch ( Dolby Digital 2.0 ), Englisch ( Dolby Digital 5.1 ), Englisch ( Untertitel ), WIDESCREEN (1.78:1), BONUSMATERIAL: FormMannschaft Interview(s), Kommentar, Szene Zugang, Trailer(s), Wechselwirkendes Menü, SYNOPSIS: A young Bangladeshi woman, Nazneem, arrives in 1980s London, leaving behind her beloved sister and home, for an arranged marriage and a new life. Trapped within the four walls of her flat in East London, and in a loveless marriage with the middle aged Chanu, she fears her soul is quietly dying. Her sister Hasina, meanwhile, continues to live a carefree life back in Bangladesh, stumbling from one adventure to the next. Nazneen struggles to accept her lifestyle, and keeps her head down in spite of life's blows, but she soon discovers that life cannot be avoided - and is forced to confront it the day that the hotheaded young Karim comes knocking at her door. SCREENING/VERGEBEN IN: BAFTA Preise, Briten Unabhängige Film-Preise, San Sebastian Internationales Film-Festival,