Das Geschäft des Lebens, OT: Seize the day (Import)

Robin Williams, Richard B. Shull, David Bickford, Glenne Headly, Stephen Strimpell

Verkaufsrang: 136832 (je kleiner desto beliebter)
EAN/ISBN: 7321932866162
ASIN: B0015J1TYG (Amazon-Bestellnummer)
Das Geschäft des Lebens, OT: Seize the day (Import) - Robin Williams, Richard B. Shull, David Bickford, Glenne Headly, Stephen Strimpell
This 1986 film-a dead-serious performance by Robin Williams, minus the overlay of schmaltz that informed his acting in the late 1990s-sat on the shelf and had no theatrical release, for obvious reasons: the film has the downbeat spiral of a 1970s film, relentless in its depiction of human frailty at the breaking point. That doesn't mean it's a bad film; to the contrary, it's actually quite a good film. But it is in no way audience-friendly in its vision of a human being who has reached the end of his tether. Directed by Fielder Cook, it's based on a Saul Bellow novel and strikes exactly the right note, a combination of absurdity and dread. Williams has the desperate energy of a man approaching 40 with nothing to show for his life-and a disapproving, disappointed father he's constantly trying to impress. Jerry Stiller is great as Williams's seeming friend, who hooks him into a business deal guaranteed to change his life and his luck. Genre: Drama NL-Import