Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes and The Amateur Emigrant (Penguin Classics)

Robert Louis Stevenson

Buch, Taschenbuch
Ausgabe vom 25. Januar 2005
Verkaufsrang: 102957 (je kleiner desto beliebter)
EAN/ISBN: 9780141439464
ASIN: 0141439467 (Amazon-Bestellnummer)
Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes and The Amateur Emigrant (Penguin Classics) - Robert Louis Stevenson
Most of the problems travelers encounter have to do with transportation. On a 12-day trek through the Cevennes, Stevenson's cross to bear was Modestine, a stubborn, manipulative donkey he could never quite get the better of. After many humorous trials and tribulations, Stevenson found that his disdain for the creature had turned to love, and at the end of the trip he said goodbye with much regret. Written in just a few months when he was in his late twenties, the publication was initially a means to earn a quick buck. Little did Stevenson know that his Modestine would become one of the great characters in travel literature.