The Complete Notes. Notes from a Small Island / Notes from a Big Country (Doubleday)

Bill Bryson

Buch, Gebunden
Ausgabe vom 5. Oktober 2000
Verkaufsrang: 3114 (je kleiner desto beliebter)
EAN/ISBN: 9780385601313
ASIN: 038560131X (Amazon-Bestellnummer)
The Complete Notes. Notes from a Small Island / Notes from a Big Country (Doubleday) - Bill Bryson
After nearly 20 years of living in Britain, the Bryson family left the rolling hills and Yorkshire puddings of Yorkshire for the big hats and tall buildings of the United States. But before they left, Bill insisted on taking one last trip around Britain. It was this trip that resulted in his highly successful Notes from a Small Island. When he finally found his way across the channel to New Hampshire, Bryson began the weekly newspaper column that would become Notes from a Big Country. The Complete Notes combines these two popular books into one hefty volume.
Whereas most such projects can be written off as a cynical money-spinner, the decision to merge these popular books into one hefty volume can be justified by Bryson's fascination with the differences between the two countries. In the opening chapter of Notes from a Small Island, Bryson writes: "If you mention in the pub that you intend to drive from, say, Surrey to Cornwall, a distance that most Americans would happily go to get a taco, your companions will puff their cheeks, look knowingly at each other, and blow out air as if to say, "Well, now that's a bit of a tall order..." Bryson's essays are packed with subtly ridiculous insights and smart anecdotes, making The Complete Notes an essential read for anyone with an interest in Anglo-American relations. -Daren King