El Croquis 134/135: OMA + Koolhaas 1996-2007

Buch, Gebunden
Ausgabe vom Mai 2007
Verkaufsrang: 863197 (je kleiner desto beliebter)
ASIN: 8488386443 (Amazon-Bestellnummer)
El Croquis 134/135: OMA + Koolhaas 1996-2007 -
Second volume in a comprehensive survey of the architectural projects of Koolhaas and his respective offices focuses on work produced between 1996 and 2007 by the architect and the Office of Metropolitan Architecture. A total of 21 works and projects are examined through full page photographs, plans, models drawings and texts. Projects featured include: the Seattle Central Library, Mercati Generali, New Jeddah International Airport and the Vincent Gallo Apartment. The survey closes with a conversation between Koolhaas and Beatriz Columina.