7TH HEAVEN - Series 7

Beverley Mitchell, Stephen Collins, Catherine Hicks, Mackenzie Rosman

Verkaufsrang: 93264 (je kleiner desto beliebter)
EAN/ISBN: 8001487000028
ASIN: B002XSG1GO (Amazon-Bestellnummer)
7TH HEAVEN - Series 7 - Beverley Mitchell, Stephen Collins, Catherine Hicks, Mackenzie Rosman
Import from the Netherlands which plays English with subtitles. No German soundtrack or subtitles. SUMMARY: This weekly television series follows the Camden family as the minister father and stay-at-home mother deal with the drama of having seven children, ranging from toddlers to adults with families of their own. The friends, neighbors, and love interests of the various members of the family weigh heavily on the plot of the series, which seeks to address a real-life issue with each episode.